Sunday, June 8, 2008

nova scotia gardening - the easy way

Some areas have a short growing season but you can get a jump-start before summer is here by starting your own seedlings. Some areas have a short growing season but you can get a jump-start before summer is here by starting your own seedlings.

Make sure you want to keep the good ones and whisk away the bad. You also need to choose plants that are designated for your region's climate. It is very important to kill all weeds before you begin planting your garden.

The following are considered to be safe, non-toxic recipes. Small hanging plants, like spider plants or ferns, are visually attractive and add significance to those uninviting corners. If a tea is made from a dandelion leaf, it will be one of the finest diuretics known.

The tomato is a tender, long maturing, warm-season crop. Keep an eye on your plants and the weather! On warm sunny days you may need to water them 2-3 times, where cooler and cloudy, maybe only once every 2-3 days. The majority of bulbs whether they are spring or summer flowering can be grown inside.

You will know how important it is to keep your garden and yard maintained. Make sure to keep the flowers moist until they are established in the soil.

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