Monday, May 5, 2008

home gardening the essentials

Sometimes the backyard garden doesn't work for everyone. Even as children, we used to blow the small parachute seeds to watch them go into the sky.

Most people agree that indoor plants are an integral part of decorating our homes and offices. There are five or more poles bound at the top and some that are planted with pole beans.

Choose cool-season annuals, such as Iceland poppies and pansies for spring and fall displays. It is a good idea to work your soil in the fall. When gardeners think of ground covers, the goal is to cover barren ground, control erosion, and/or suppress weeds.

Then of that mixture, take one tablespoon and mix with one quart of water for spraying on soft-bodied insects. Hardwood pruning is typically the last technique used to save a plant and is the most severe from of pruning. Choosing the right type of pruners may seem overwhelming and if you need assistance, you can ask the salesperson at your local nursery or garden center.

Summer is almost here and now is a great time to start. Even the hardiest vegetables need extra care when watering.

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